welcome to the hoolis hoos


1999-02-11 GMT-219150

Here, have an XMMS/Winamp/Audacious skin for the FlipWitch soundtrack. It's a silly and racy game, but good gobbess that soundtrack is absurdly good.

This is my first ever skin. I listened to the OST, saw the album art, and thought, "now is the time. It's what 90s teenage me would have wanted."

1999-01-31 GMT-219150

ALLO, I've added proper music to the site. You'll need at least Netscape Navigater 3 and the awesome Modplugin. In the hoos we are too cool for midi. The song is one I wrote for a killer game I was making in this current-not-at-all-25-years-ago year called Zero Zone. It is (was) a puzzle combat game with giant mechs and nuclear waste. You know, like the world will be next year, in 2000. It's a life simulator.

The S3M can also be downloaded here.

1999-01-14 GMT-219150

Hei! I'm hoolis, 1337 h4x0r located 1.3km below the Earth's crust. I have secured this site in the hopes of learning about the surface world prior to its firy doom in 2000. I like cats and motorbikes. I dislike Micro$oft*.

(* Future readers: Please add Google, Apple, Meta, and pretty much all megacorps and techbro grifters.)